European Trading Architecture Summit

European Trading Architecture Summit

Following the success of the 2011 summit, this year’s European Trading Architecture Summit aims to become the most technologically focused event for the financial services in Europe. It is an opportunity for technologists from investment banks and financial firms as well as technology vendors and service providers to drill down into details of cutting-edge solutions and the latest industry hot topics.
Delegates from investment banks, investment management companies, asset management, pension funds and hedge funds qualify for complimentary attendance.
This conference brings together technologists, architects, software developers and managers of enterprise infrastructure from both the sell-side and buy-side communities to discuss the latest in low-latency trading technology and the strategies in managing enterprise infrastructure.

What was covered in 2011?

Last years event was designed to address two fundamental issues in financial IT and was accordingly divided into two streams:
Stream 1: Data Architecture is for those who are interested in achieving near-zero latency and maximizing the performance of their trading systems
Stream 2: Infrastructure Management is for those who are interested in reducing the escalating costs of developing and maintaining an efficient enterprise infrastructure by utilizing advances in cloud computing, virtualization, GPU architectures and other technologies
The agenda also covered technology-led approaches to issues such as:

  • Utilizing latest technologies such as FPGAs and GPUs
  • Real-time risk management
  • Monitoring data flows for enterprise risk

This conference is an ideal opportunity to hear from leading industry experts, technology gurus, and service providers on the cutting-edge of financial IT, to exchange knowledge with your peers and equip yourself with the relevant take-away information with which to help your organisation maintain competitive advantage and stay ahead of the curve.

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