
To examine synergies between the DTI and ITSA standards London / Berlin, 3rd September 2021 – Etrading Software (ETS), global provider of technology-led solutions, acting as exclusive Registration Authority for the new International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) standard ISO 24165 for Digital Token Identifiers (DTIs), and...

with Etrading Software’s non-profit Digital Token Identifier Foundation London, 1st July 2021 – Etrading Software (ETS), global provider of technology-led solutions, acting as exclusive Registration Authority for the new International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) standard for Digital Token Identifiers (DTIs), announced the DTI Registry which will...

First published by Funds Europe. A newly launched initiative is expected to make investment portfolios that blend traditional securities with digital assets more easy to manage by bringing standardisation to how digital assets are identified. A task force is looking to align standards behind International Securities...

Spotting systemic risk from OTC swaps requires cross-border access to derivatives data First published on When Archegos Capital Management collapsed, inflicting more than $10 billion in losses on prime brokers, the extent of its multi-billion-dollar portfolio of total return swaps (TRS) caught banks and regulators...

To examine synergies between the DTI and ISIN standards London, 10th June 2021 – Etrading Software (ETS), global provider of technology-led solutions designed for financial institutions and industry initiatives, acting as the selected Registration Authority for the new International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) standard ISO 24165...

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