EMEA Trading Conference

EMEA Trading Conference

OTC Trading: Preparing for Greater Transparency
This session will present the key changes occurring in the OTC derivatives markets as a result of Dodd-Frank and EMIR, with a focus on the impact of pre-trade transparency requirements. Topics covered will include:
•The impact on market architecture (CCPs, SDRs, SEFs and OTFs)
•The impact on market structure and business processes (all-to-all trading venues vs inter-dealer vs dealer-to-client)
•Key considerations for the sell-side and buy-side (business and technology)
•The role of standardisation initiatives (LEI, UPI, USI, standardised connectivity)
•And remaining areas of uncertainty
The session will conclude with a short panel discussion on the steps being taken by market participants (buy-side, sell-side, SEFs/OTFs) to take advantage of the opportunities and mitigate the threats created by the rules mandating pre-trade transparency.
Sassan Danesh, Managing Partner, Etrading Software
George Handjinicolaou, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Head of Europe, Middle East and Africa, ISDA
Daniel Marcus, Managing Director of Strategy and Business Development in EMEA, Tradition
Stuart Taylor, Global Head of FICC Electronic Trading, UBS
Trading Fixed Income OTC Products Using FIX

In 2011, the FPL Global Fixed Income Committee (GFIC) launched an initiative to create best practices for trading fixed income OTC derivatives using the FIX Protocol. This was supported by many of the world’s largest broker-dealers and trading venues.

This session is aimed at architects, analysts and developers who are involved with designing or implementing FIX solutions for trading fixed income OTC products and will explore, the key best practice recommendations produced by the group as well as the resulting enhancements to the FIX specification and how the FIX Protocol is used for trading swaps.

The session will also discuss the latest GFIC developments in this space, including plans for the rest of 2012. Attendees will also have the opportunity to receive technical guidance from the experts responsible for the development of the best practices.
Sassan Danesh, Managing Partner, Etrading Software
Kevin Houstoun, Co-Chair FPL Global Technical Committee, Lead Expert Group Member, UK Government Foresight Committee on “The future of computer based trading in financial markets”, Chairman and Founder, Rapid Addition

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