The Derivatives Services Bureau successfully completes Third Party Assurance Audit

The Derivatives Services Bureau successfully completes Third Party Assurance Audit

The DSB has undergone the International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000 (revised) and 3402 (“ISAE 3000 and 3402”) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales Technical Release AAF 01/06 (“AAF 01/06”) Type II audit, covering the period 1 January to 31 December 2020. The audit was conducted by an Independent Service Auditor as part of the DSB’s governance framework.

The ISAE 3402 and AAF 01/06 Type II Report can assist users and their auditors with information on the DSB’s policies, procedures and controls in place, as well as understand the design and implementation of controls. The Type II audit will be undertaken on an annual basis relating to the previous calendar year.

Copies of the ISAE 3402 and AAF 01/06 Type II Report can be made available upon request to both existing and potential users of the DSB. The ISAE 3402 and AAF 01/06 Type II Report is for internal use only and cannot be redistributed in part or in full.

The DSB accepts no liability to any party in respect of the content of the ISAE 3402 and AAF 01/06 report.

To obtain a copy please email

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